Apa Convention Continuing Education 2018 Alcohol chemical Dependency


2018 APA CONVENTION SAN FRANCISCO August 9 -12, 2018 | Moscone Center


WELCOME Welcome to APA Convention in San Francisco! The Golden City is the world's premiere hub for innovation, also home to endless possibilities from riding a bike over the stunning Golden Gate Bridge, taking a cable car from Union Square to Fisherman's Wharf, driving down the world- famous Lombard Street, and enjoying amazing restaurants, cultural and historical landmarks.  In 2018, the Division 8 program features cross-disciplinary sessions that showcase a diversity of topics, current issues, and scientific progress, we hope you come away inspired for your own work!  In addition to a weekend full of training and learning, there is ample time for networking and fun. Please join us at our social hour, whether you are a current or future member.  We will see you in San Francisco!   M. Lynne Cooper                      Virginia Kwan  Division 8/SPSP President          Division 8 Program Chair  Social Hour Friday, August 10th | 6:00 PM Tabletop Tap house, 175 4th Street San Francisco, CA 94103  Hosted by: Division 8 (SPSP) Division 9 (SPSSI) and Division 34 (SEPCP)


SP                                                         About Division 8 SP                                         Our Mission and Goals                                            Division 8 of APA is dedicated to the fields of social and                                            personality psychology. Activities for the division are organized Division 8 Leadership                      and funded in part by the Society for Personality and Social                                            Psychology, Inc., (www.spsp.org). Membership in each M. Lynne Cooper, President                 organization is separate.  Linda Skitka, President-Elect              Division 8 seeks to advance the progress of theory, basic and                                            applied research, and practice in the field of personality and Diane Mackie, Past President                                            social psychology. Members are employed in academia and Wendy Berry Mendes,                        private industry or government, and all are concerned with how Secretary-Treasurer                        individuals affect and are affected by other people and by their                                            social and physical environments. Members-At-Large: Ozlem Ayduk Eli Finkel Elizabeth Haines                                                 About SPSP Richard Lucas Batja Mesquita                             Our Mission and Goals Cynthia Pickett                            With over 7,000 members, the Society of Personality and Social                                            Psychology (www.spsp.org) is the largest organization of social Stephanie Fryberg                          psychologists and personality psychologists. Founded in 1974, the Division 8 Council Representative          Society has three general missions:  Chad Rummel                                    • Produce and Disseminate Knowledge to the Profession and the Executive Director                                  Public for the Public Good through Personality and Social Virginia Kwan                                       Psychological Science; Division 8 Program Chair (2018)                • Promote the Careers of Students and Professionals in the Areas                                                     of Personality and Social Psychology; and Jarret Crawford                                • Recognize and Promote Achievement in Personality and Division 8 Program Chair (2019)                     Social Psychology.                                      Mark Your Calendars SPSP Annual Convention                                        APA Annual Convention February 7-9, 2019 | Portland, OR                             August 8-11, 2019 | Chicago, IL February 27-29, 2020 | New Orleans, LA                        August 6-9, 2020 | Washington, DC February 11-13, 2021 | Austin, TX                             August 12-15, 2021 | San Diego, CA February 17-19, 2022 | San Francisco, CA                      August 4-7, 2022 | Minneapolis, Minnesota                                             PORTLAND
Thursday, August 9                                                                                                            th  10:00 - 11:50 AM                      The Changing Landscape of Asian Collectivism in the Globalizing Era Symposium                             This symposium examines the impact of globalization on the traditionally Moscone Center 308                    collectivistic societies, and by exposing the fault-line of individualism-                                       collectivism, calls for better theory and practice to meet the challenges of the                                       globalizing era.                                       Louise K.W. Sundararajan, PhD, EdD, Michael Shengtao Wu, PhD,                                       Rachel Sing-Kiat Ting, PhD, Susumu Yamaguchi, PhD, Igor Grossmann, PhD  10:00 - 10:50 AM                      Poster Session (F): Personality Assessment and Clinical Poster Session                        and Social Applications Moscone Center                        This poster session will feature new research on social and personality Halls ABC                             psychology and its important implications for measurements and                                       applications to societal issues.  11:00 - 11:50 AM                      Symposium: Transformative Community Mental Health---Perspectives Symposium                             From Portugal and Europe Moscone Center 2000                   This session will address potentials and possibilities of psychology as a                                       linking science toward the implementation of social innovation in contexts                                       where research is focused on transformational change. Successful European                                       examples will be discussed.                                       Amanda B. Clinton, PhD, Margarida Gaspar de Matos, PhD  12:00 - 1:50 PM                       Conversation Hour: Conversation About STEM and Psychology---Action Conversation Hour                     Items for 2018 Moscone Center Rooms                  This facilitated discussion will focus on one to three action items that 3022 and 3024                         psychological scientists should undertake over the next year to enhance                                       psychology as a STEM discipline                                       Nancy K. Dess, PhD  2:00 - 2:50 PM                        Conversation Hour: Funding Support for Researchers to Apply Theories Conversation Hour                     and Recent Findings From Psychological Science to Education Practice Moscone Center                        This session will present an overview of the funding opportunities available Room 3008                             through the National Center for Education Research and the National Center                                       for Special Education Research.                                       Erin Higgins, PhD  3:00 - 3:50 PM                        Symposium: Concussion-Reporting Behavior and Culture in Collegiate, Symposium                             Military, and Youth Samples Moscone Center 2008                   The reluctance of athletes and military personnel to report potential                                       head injuries is due, partly, to well-established cultural norms. NCAA                                       MindsMatter-funded projects highlight potential risk-reduction factors that                                       may be amenable to interventions.                                       Heidi A. Wayment, PhD, Ann H. Huffman, PhD, Heidi A. Wayment, PhD,                                       Alissa Wicklund, PhD, Chris D'Lauro, PhD        Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP)       and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery       of the programs.
Friday, August 10                                                                                                  th  9:00 - 9:50 AM                        Poster Session (F): Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations Poster Session                        This poster session will feature new research on social and personality Moscone Center                        psychology focusing on relationships. Halls ABC  10:00 - 10:50 AM                      Risk taking and emotion regulation: Alcohol use as a prototypic example Presidential Address                  Why do people freely choose to engage in risky, potentially self-destructive Moscone Center                        behaviors? This talk will discuss the nature of short-term goals or outcomes, Room 306                              and what we can learn about risk-taking behaviors broadly, and alcohol use                                       in particular.                                       Lynne Cooper, PhD  11:00 - 11:50 AM                      Symposium: The Duality of Digital Technology---Its Impacts on Social Symposium                             Interaction and Internet Addiction Moscone Center                        This symposium will feature four programs of research that take multiple Room 308                              perspectives, study multiple samples, and use multiple methods to address                                       the antecedents and consequences of our use or overuse of                                       digital technologies.                                       Virginia S. Kwan, PhD, Elizabeth Dunn, PhD, Patricia Greenfield, PhD,                                       Sara Konrath, PhD, Hilarie Cash, PhD  4:00 - 5:50 PM                        Discussion: Get Involved in International Collaboration Discussion                            This discussion will aim to identify ways to increase the diversity of the Moscone Center                        samples we use in research and develop infrastructure for international Room 2003                             collaboration. Come join us if you would like to get involved in                                       international collaboration.                                       Virginia S. Kwan, PhD, Jarret Crawford, PhD  6:00 PM                               Divisions 8, 9, & 34 Social Hour Tabeltop Tap house 175 4th Street San Francisco, CA 94103        Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP)       and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery       of the programs.
Saturday, August 11                                                                                                                 th  9:00 - 9:50 AM                        Key Ingredients for Effective Cross-Cultural Competence Symposium                             This presentation will describe the findings from the latest research on Moscone Center                        cultural competence and implications for teaching, research, and practice in Room 2006                             psychology and other disciplines.                                       David Matsumoto, PhD  10:00 - 10:50 AM                      Symposium: Future Time Perspective--- Conceptualizations, Symposium                             Consequences, and Target for Interventions Moscone Center                        This symposium will explore time perspectives between the two sexes, across Rooms 305 and 309                     the life span, and across cultural groups, and enhance our understanding of                                       academic outcomes, gender role, healthy aging, and addiction and                                       its treatment.                                       Virginia S. Kwan, PhD, Michael T. Bixter, PhD, Yexin Li, PhD, Warren K. Bickel, PhD,                                       Manfred Diehl, PhD, Eden Griffin, PhD  11:00 AM - 12:50 PM                   Former APA Presidents on Psychology, Media, the Public, and President Discussion                            Trump, With Audience Participation Moscone Center                        Three former APA presidents will engage in an apolitical conversation on the Rooms 153 and 155                     media and public debates concerning President Trump, psychology's role in                                       these debates, their own perspectives, and much more, with                                       audience participation.                                       Frank Farley, PhD, Nadine J. Kaslow, PhD, Philip Zimbardo, PhD  11:00 - 11:50 AM                      THE POWER OF PRE-SUASION Invited Address                       New York Times bestselling author Robert Cialdini will shine new light on Moscone Center                        how to be an effective persuader by showing that the secret doesn't always lie Room 3016                             in the message itself, but rather in the moment before the message                                       is delivered.                                       Robert B. Cialdini, PhD  12:00 - 12:50 PM                      Poster Session (F): Social and Personality Psychology and Its Applications Poster Session                        to the Society Moscone Center                        This poster session will feature new research on social and personality Halls ABC                             psychology and its important applications to societal issues.        Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP)       and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery       of the programs.
Sunday, August 12                                                                                                        th  9:00 - 9:50 AM                        Symposium: Defense or Growth? Autism, PTSD, Meditation, and Openness Symposium                             Alter Responses to Thoughts of Death Moscone Center                        Prior research suggests that existential threat (e.g., awareness of death) Room 2007                             often motivates defensive responses. This symposium will explore factors                                       that might amplify defensive responses, attenuate them, or even encourage                                       growth-oriented responses.                                       Kenneth E. Vail, PhD, Cathy Cox, PhD, Tom Pyszczynski, PhD, Patrick Boyd, MA  10:00 - 11:50 AM                      Symposium: Psychological Taxonomies--- Personality, Temperament, and Symposium                             Psychopathology Perspectives Moscone Center                        In this session, experts in temperament research, neurophysiology, Room 207                              psychiatry, and personality psychology will share their insights into the                                       taxonomies of human individual differences.                                       Irina Trofimova, PhD, William Sulis, PhD, MD, Irina Trofimova, PhD,                                       Gerard Saucier, PhD  11:00 - 11:50 AM                      Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions Invited Address                       Appearance information could be useful as a guide to the intentions and Moscone Center                        actions of the person in the immediate here, but it could be misleading. Room 152                              This talk will review and discuss decades of research on physiognomy and                                       appearance-based stereotypes.                                       Alexander Todorov, PhD        Sessions offering CE credits have been reviewed and approved by the American Psychological Association Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP)       and the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) to offer CE credits for psychologists. The CEP Office and the CEC maintain responsibility for the delivery       of the programs.


Source: https://www.readkong.com/page/2018-apa-convention-san-francisco-spsp-7011487

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